

Elkészült saját fejlesztésünk, a Frequentor!
Részletek itt!

Cégünk 1995-ben alakult. Célunk, hogy a kor követelményeihez igazodva magas színvonalú akusztikai tervezési és kivitelezési szolgáltatásokat nyújtsunk középületek, irodaházak, stúdiók, színházak, koncerttermek, sportlétesítmények, lakóépületek beruházásánál, építésénél. Az elmúlt évek alatt számos speciális akusztikai feladatot oldottunk meg.
Tovább >>
Color Front - Mozi együttes
Épületakusztikai és teremakusztikai tervezés (2006-2007)

Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadémia – Rekonstrukció
Teremakusztikai tervezés (2007-)

További referenciák >>
1. Teremakusztikai tervezés
2. Hanggátlás tervezése
3. Épületgépészeti berendezések akusztikai tervezése
4. Hangrendszerek tervezése

Részletek >>
Cím: 1031 Budapest,
Varsa utca 14.
Telefon: +36/1-439-0334
Fax: +36/1-439-0335
  • select102.php
  • sharma268.php
  • search21.php
  • shadows245.php
  • shared263.php
  • shawn274.php
  • seeds96.php
  • setting up outlokk
    setting up packet reinjection
    setting up partitioner
    setting up pennytel
    setting up php 5.2 5
    setting up php myadmin
    setting up phpeclipse
    setting up phpgroupware
    setting up pirox
    setting up pjirc
    setting up pointbase
    setting up poptop
    setting up ppather
    setting up proximo
    setting up pureftp
    setting up pushmail
    setting up pxeboot
    setting up rbac
    setting up redhat gfs
    setting up rt61
    setting up sabnzbd
    setting up sata
    setting up satourne
    setting up sbs 2003
    setting up scanrouter
    setting up sheesha
    setting up shimano deore
    setting up sidechain
    setting up sjphone
    setting up slack line
    setting up smnp
    setting up spiceworks
    setting up ssf
    setting up stealthbot
    setting up sun java6
    setting up sun java6 bin
    setting up teamcity
    setting up tftpboot
    setting up the bomb thotbot
    setting up the java_home
    setting up the partitioner
    setting up trackir
    setting up uconnect
    setting up undisclosed recipients
    setting up unreal3
    setting up userdir
    setting up ushare
    setting up utorrent 1.7
    setting up uvnc
    setting up vcn
    setting up viewcvs
    setting up vmail
    setting up vpro
    setting up wakaba
    setting up watercooling
    setting up wccp
    setting up webadmin
    setting up webfolders
    setting up webguide
    setting up wfoe in
    setting up wiresless
    setting up wmwifirouter
    setting up worldcraft for
    setting up wpsm54g
    setting up wrt160n
    setting up wrt310n
    setting up wrt54g2
    setting up wrt600n
    setting up x11vnc
    setting up xauth
    setting up xwin32
    setting up yahoopops
    setting up your own mailserver
    setting up ypop
    setting upe
  • seven235.php
  • series128.php
  • setting upl
    setting upmy
    setting uponline
    setting upt
    setting upthe
    setting url
    setting userpassword
    setting utl_file_dir in
    setting valign
    setting viewports
    setting visibilty
    setting was often used insecurely
    setting widht
    setting width in html
    setting wk1
    setting wk4
    setting worksmart
    shakespeare play setting
    shamil setting
    shipboard setting
    sirio 30 setting
    smcfancontrol setting
    smoothness setting
    snmp setting speedtouch
    sociocultural setting
    solitaire ring setting
    speader setting
    speedygreen setting
    spokeshave setting
    starcatchers setting
    staxrip setting
    stratigraphic setting of
    sun is setting in the west
    t7433 setting
    t7630 setting
    talble setting
    talus setting
    tapet setting
    target audience setting
    tcp_nodelay setting is
    tcp_nodelay setting is inherited
    tcp_nodelay setting is inherited from
    tcp_nodelay setting is inherited from listening sockets
    tension ring setting
    tetonic setting
    that 70s show setting
    the setting down 2.05
    the setting for bizets
    the setting in ethan frome
    the setting of the grapes of wrath
    the shoutin setting
    the sun is setting in the west
    themo setting
    theodolite setting out
    thermastat setting for
    thermosat setting
    tiffant setting
    tiffiany setting
    timex wr50m setting
    to facory setting
    to factoy setting
    tomato blossoms not setting
    torgue setting for
    tourqe setting for
    ulyses setting
    umobile setting
    undervoltage setting
    userva setting
    ventilator setting prvc
    we see it in the setting sun
    what is iso setting in
    what is pctfree and pctused setting
    when setting ds notification
    windlight setting

    wlst setting

    wonderboys setting

    worm farm setting

    wr165 setting

    wr850g setting

    wrt54 setting

    wrt54g2 setting

    wyd08 mass setting

    xmx setting down

    xmx setting down from

    xover setting

    xpax 3g setting

    xpax mms setting

    xvycc setting

    ypop setting for

  • shack240.php
  • shadow244.php
  • shane253.php
  • service192.php
  • script6.php
  • shannon255.php
  • sequence116.php
  • settings229.php
  • securities84.php
  • service178.php
  • sheffield282.php
  • series131.php
  • senator106.php
  • services215.php
  • seattle46.php
  • shield291.php
  • seafood11.php
  • shape258.php
  • service185.php
  • services208.php

  • shake246.php
  • session225.php
  • seating42.php
  • sharp272.php
  • services218.php